Our domiciliary care can be relatively easy, like helping you get up and about in the morning, ensuring you take your medication at the right time, feeding pets or helping you move around the house. Or it could mean high-dependency 24-hour home care. Our service is flexible and we match the care and the care worker to you. Every visit starts with an assessment of what you need.
Our services are available to residential care homes and for domiciliary care in private homes, and we are able to provide care 24 hours a day, 365 days a week.
1. Providing a high-quality professional service
2. Ensuring an adequate level of staffing and training
3. Being reliable and continually available throughout on call
4. Effective collaboration with other community professionals (social services, hospitals, CQC, and other organisations)
5. Offers more resident-orientated small scale home model care
6. Uphold the human citizens’ rights of all those we are involved with
7. Treat all people that we support together with their friends, relatives and visitors, as well as our staff with respect and dignity always
8. Respect and encourage the right of independence of all service users
9. Respect individual requirement for privacy always and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner
10. Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment, and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy the need of service users and staff
11. Support individual choice and personal decision making as the right of all service users